Sunday, April 14, 2013


Please enjoy the videos in this presentation. 
They are for entertainment purposes with a sprinkling of thinking. 
For more detailed information on the study mentioned, refer to the article listed. 

Chat on Cheating by tsconover on GoAnimate

 (if video does not load, click "Chat on Cheating" above)
What other words can you use to describe cheating?

This posting is a brief overview of the article listed above.  The study discussed developed and used the ADA - Academic Dishonesty Assessment which consisted of questions regarding students' own cheating behaviors, what they know about the unethical behaviors of other students, and their perceptions of cheating.  
Women may lie about their age, weight, and plastic surgery but have high ethical standards in school.
Students involved in individual sports or in no sports at all are reported to engage in less dishonest academic behaviors than those on  sports teams.

(if video does not load, click "Pirate Ethics" above)
Some limitations of this study were that:
  • it did not quantify cheating behaviors
  • the gender sample size was not representative of the college population
  • students' majors were not listed
Still, as online education becomes more pervasive, more studies will need to branch off this information to give administrators and course designers the information they need to effectively manage their online course offerings.